This is a Blogger website where you can post comments and upload photos anything that's related to the Gothic Subculture."So I went to this website that has something to do with Gothic Metal in general, and you won't believe on what I read!" This NUMBSKULLIC IDIOT whoever he or she is was talking about what is or isn't goth. The article started out like this:" Now I know all of you out there who likes anything that's pertaining the dark and "EERY":Notice The Misspelling of eerie in the CORRECT SPELLING ON HOW I SPELLED IT. Who likes to call them selves Gothic. And so forth." So to continue on, when this person went on to talk about symphonic female fronted bands that are metal "To make a long story short"; they don't have anything to do with goth?! I was like: "WHAT!!" You have to be joshing me....are you??" Now the look, or the style doesn't have anything to do with the music its the sound or the beat thereof. True, but people like myself dress Goth just to support the music. I DRESS GOTHIC BECAUSE I AM A GOTHMETAL HEAD: Period"! "So to go further on, I'm about to verbally slap you on what I'm about to say here!" When this pussheaded goon mentioned 2 bands like Evanescense and Lacuna Coil: They don't have anything to do with GOTHIC Metal." I was like....WHAT IN THE SHIT!! I clicked off that website so fast, and was wondering is this person high on crack?? Both of those bands are GothMetal bands! Half of the stuff you read on the Internet is ither bullshit......or full of shit the people who are suppose to be educated. It only depends on what website you visit. If you want to know THE FACTS: go to Wikipedia or ask a Gothic Metalhead like myself. "Not some Idiot, Ignoramus, Incompetant Fool because they don't know what the hell they're talking about"! Get facts first people. If you want to know: "GO TO THE HORSES MOUTH!" And maybe that way you'll feel better and more educated by KNOWING THR FACTS!" Facts are very importat people....not word of mouth!"Just because what comes or verbally ejaculates out of someones mouth DOESNT MAKE IT TRUE!"
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